
A Year of Service

Sworn into a year of service by the Federal Government, I'm dedicating my year as a 26 year old (July 30, 2010 - July 30, 2011) to help alleviate poverty in the United States. This will be a cross-section of my experience...


9 and Out?

Shadows fell upon our house, as they did for many, nine years after the terrorist attacks.  My thoughts were provoked in a much different manner than before.  Why?  Because I'm now living on the edge of where it all started and with roommates who knew people who died.  The gravity of the situation, a situation already holding substantial mass, began to pull more weight.  Questions arose regarding the memorial and thoughtless Qur'an burning.  Questions of memorializing the dead as well as those who have died -- since as a result of the attacks.  How many years  (generations) will it take for its effects on memorializing to dissipate?  The answers to all these were much different than what I would have anticipated, especially being so close to Ground Zero.